This school will fill as we raise more money. Help us reach our goal by filling the school house! DONATE
Recent Donors:
Joey Braha
Samantha Tannehill
Anastasia Klaffert
13 years and still going strong!
This year we have set our sites even higher. In Kenya seventy percent (70%) of students graduate from primary schools, and only twenty percent of those kids continue to the next level, secondary or high school. Why? Poverty? Proximity to schools? Parents needing their kids to work or help support? Many reasons.
But, what about the kids? They want this. They’re hungry for education. They understand that with an education, they will have more opportunities to reach their dreams. We’ve seen it and it’s exciting to watch.
Kids for Tomorrow want to bring secondary education to them, to make it accessible and achievable. And, with your help, it will succeed.
Our plan is to construct a facility in close proximity to the primary school and within easy access to the neighborhoods where these children live.
Here’s how we envision things:
The school would admit paying students that qualify based on predetermined criteria (i.e. grades; testing; etc)
This school would also accept students unable to pay their tuition and school fees who qualify based on predetermined criteria. (ie. grades; testing, etc.)
The plan is that the school fees from the paying students will offset the costs for the students that are unable to pay.
To do that we need to create a capital reserve. Below find the breakdown of costs in order to begin the plans for the future Hope Streams Secondary School.
Estimated cost breakdown of the project:
Purchase property adjacent to the primary school in Nairobi Kenya - roughly $25,000
Infrastructure- $50-$75,000- The facility will include classrooms, clean restrooms, library/equipment, furniture, multipurpose hall, kitchen and other school items
Curriculum -$2500- For Curriculum we will need new syllabus course books/materials, laboratory equipment and test chemicals among other things
Registration/compliance with high school requirements. $12000- For registration and compliance we will need to meet registration requirements for certification, employ qualified teachers/staff and school board of management.
Capital/finances to run the institution - $25000 - For capital/ finances to run the institution we will need funds to cover monthly budget, development/improvements, emergency kit and employee covers/savings and service.
This is a big undertaking and will need some help! So...How can you get involved? We were hoping you would ask!!
This is a great opportunity to share a social media video about your fundraising initiative.
Create a goal, ie. $500, etc. and let your followers, friends and family know what and who you are raising money for.
Organize a bake sale, a yard sale, a spaghetti dinner or other fundraiser in your community to spread the word about Hope Streams Secondary Academy and raise money for the school.
Organize a dinner with your friends and charge money per plate or just give out information about the organization and our projects.
Be creative! Every little bit helps and we are always looking to spread the word about Kids for Tomorrow.