Sewa Junior Academy
Sewa Junior Academy is a small school in the village of Matopeni in Kayole which is a slum of Nairobi, Kenya. There are 192 students with 7 teachers. From baby class through 7th grade, Our project is to build a permanent primary school building for these students and teachers.
With this new school the students will no longer have to deal with dust from the floors of their classrooms, will have light from solar panel electricity, girls and boys washrooms, water fountains and their very own desks and books.
Sewa Junior Academy has created a revenue generating business with community members to bring in funding to the school. They currently have a health clinic, and a beauty salon that bring in some funding each month.
A Letter from Sewa Junior Academies Administrator Cecilia Masai
“We are doing great thanks to you and the Donors - we are not paying rent any more.The kids are now studying very comfortably in spacious rooms not like where we were, we have a play ground of our own and toilet which we are keeping always clean.The kids are learning many skills as you will see in the quarterly report of first term.They are also learning different subjects as per the Kenyan syllabus, which after qualifying and attaining good grades in grade 8 they will be promoted to secondary school.”