Our Impact

Kids for Tomorrow exists since 2004, and in that time we`ve had a huge impact on the education and improving the lifestyle to people in rural communities in Nairobi, Kenya.

In March 2005, Hope Streams Academy opened its doors for 11 students, providing one teacher in two rented classrooms. The entire operation was run through community donations and support. Since then, the school has grown to serve 222 students in 8 classrooms, providing teachers, supplies and meals to needy children.

Another village, another school. Sewa Junior Academy is a small school in the village of Matopeni in Kayole which is a slum of Nairobi, Kenya. There are 192 students with 7 teachers. From baby class through 7th grade, Our project is to build a permanent primary school building for these students and teachers.

Since 2004, Kids for Tomorrow has

  • Helped over 500 children to get the education they need

  • Built infrastructure around the schools and helped the people of Nairobi. to get clean drinking water.

  • Bought the land for the Hope Streams Academy so the teachers doesn`t have to pay rent.

  • Improve their health habits.

  • Countless meals served.

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